One Man's Adventure: Corwin & Themilkfarm

Corwin presenting Colored By Design @ TEDxEast was a cold and stormy night in Palo Alto California. A young designer, had "a" big idea. Leave the comforts of his cushy job with benefits (that was sooo 1999), and venture off into the wild blue yonder of entrepreneurship. We say "a" good idea because that was all the thinking that went into it. No business plan, no clients, nothing but some blind ambition and a tank full of ideas!

Corwin J. Stone took his 5 years of branding and digital design experience and started Themilkfarm.

Themilkfarm was off to a great start right from the beginning. With amazing support from family, friends, and his former employer, Corwin was able to establish his business headquarters in the Dahlbeck Piano building in downtown San Francisco. This locale put him right in the middle of it all. Venture capitalists on the left, million dollar startups on the right (literally).  He worked side by side with Abbie Gong and the two inspired one another to create some very exciting identities, videos, and websites.

As time went on, Themilkfarm grew to a whopping two man crew! One David Lowe-Rogstad, now of Substance fame, joined the crew as the lone Flash Developer and the two made designs come to life through a host of online projects. The duo migrated into the Mission District in San Francisco to the Folsom street offices and kept the party going.

For 5 years, Corwin helped to educate grads and undergrads at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. He and his wife had a couple of kids, a dog, and lay hold of the American Dream.

During these years Themilkfarm also took advantage of the dot com bust and were able to service a wide range of clients who needed to continue their marketing programs while under serious budget restraints. To the big agencies, it was chump change, but for Themilkfarm, it was like "cha-ching"! We supported some of the best firms in town and collaborated on some memorable projects.

Note: We have to consider them among the best because they were kind enough to give us a shot...and they still do. Whoohooo!

The bottomline is that we design stuff, lots of stuff, for lots of brands and lots of great people, and we look forward to designing more great stuff with you. And we understand that this may not be the most eloquent way of saying it, but design is fun, and we have lots of it.

Talk to you soon,